My favorite shadow that I use the most in the first position is swampert cause it charges up super fast and thus eats up shields fast 😉
There are still a few things i am still looking to get answered. I mean i get it now why you use shadows in which scenarios but I’m still clueless about which shadows to actually power up.
A) do IVs on shadow pokemon matter at all if you will keep them shadow for sure?
B) to which level do i power them up ? As they are 20% stronger offensively than normals i assume i should be fine leveling them only to level 25 instead of the advised 35 for normal mons.
C) prioritizing. What should i put my focus on? E.g. i have a 98% iv Metagross (15/15/14) which sits on <2500 CP with BP+MM and a shiny shadow beldum with 13/12/12 as IVs. [I only have 20ish candy] ..Should i rather first power my Metagross further so it will be an actually useable DPS or should i rather "dump" it and try to get the shadow beldum fully evolved?
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Bonus tip if you double move a shadow Pokémon on its second stage and evolve it during exclusive move events such as December com days it will get its exclusive move such as Shadow Metang during the Incense Day. (you would want to do this if you can’t take off frustration in time for exclusive move)
Also, im using shadow magmortar in the great league and it works well if used properly.
1st – get a shadow Pokemon and don’t evolve!
2nd – wait for event where you can change frustration with charged TM
3rd – evolve your shadow Pokemon when its community day!
Not sure if it work!!!
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