I loved the festival of colors event. I got 18 shinies that week. Still my best record yet. Normally its around 2-10 a week. Not including com days. I usually always catch & tag or transfer each pokemon as I catch them. But I’m sure this helps others out.
great set of tips and good to understand the syntax for these search strings. I typically just bulk delete anything that’s not 3 or 4 star – the delete automatically skips legendary and shiny. Once that’s done I look at what’s left individually. Your video makes me want to see if I can get syntax to exclude 91% and above so I can get rid of those lower level 3 stars. Keep up the great work and especially those short form Tic Toks you do.
Detailed explanation | THIS WILL *SAVE YOU TIME* in POKEMON GO!
Would be nice If it would be possible to filter our tags. Sometimes I want to clean out my bag and filter out my tag, I made for all the Pokemon in my bag I want to trade.Long press to save custom search threads…. oh man I totally missed that and have wasted SO MUCH TIME retyping them. A fantastic tip for me
But we always need to look out for the 0-0-0, PVP great/ultra league IVs, and special ones with good breakpoints. If only niantic took that into consideration
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Can check for shiny, renamed good ivs (raid or PvP), lucky Pokémon, higher level etc. costumes too.
If you only have a smaller amount of time you can doing in chunks search 0-50 or whatever fits the time you have.
1- Plz tell me how are shiny pokemon usefull
2-My GBL rank is not increasing, so what should I do about it.
Plz somebody help me
It’s the Best way as it saves me from the Future Headache.
For traded ones I delete garbage and “double candy” tag everything legendary or otherwise rare, and evolution tag the “trade queens”, Gastly,abra…
Team GO Rocket never showed up for days. Idk what happened. I ask someone for this and their response is TGR showed up in Balloons. Mine, don’t. It’s been like 3 days, and monitored every 6-hr interval, yet none of them showed up. Even on Pokestops, no signs of TGR there. It bothers me a lot. I tried clearing the app data, manipulating time zones, etc., yet none of them showed up. Is this a bug or something is wrong on my phone. This is not normal for me
and delete all unnecesary staff at the end of the day. List of pokemons may change as I get enough XL candies for them and don’t want to trade anymore or new rare pokemon appear, like jangmo-o.
rat and magikarp I later check for tiny/XL, hatched pokemon might be over 100 km for trades. Anything I name Trade I exclude. No need to include !shiny because shiny can’t be mass transfered.
After that I order all pokemon by number # so I can see big clusters and it’s easier to notice if there is something valuable.
everything that is listed after this will be transfered. (explanation below)
1. !+bon&!bon.. : Of every interesting family I name at least one pokemon “bon..” this will list up every pokemon of that family exept the indicator pokemon I named “bon..”
2. !+spot : Essencially traded “+bon” pokemon but I keep them to transfer them during spotlight hours with double transfer candy
3. !legendary&!mythical&!shiny&!4*&!3* : pretty self explanotory. I keep 3* because a 15/14/15 is essencially the same as a hundo.
4. !.LC&!.GL&!.UL : those are the GBL leagues. Little cup, great league, ultra league
5. !shadow : I just like to check shadows individually
6. !distance100-: I keep every pokemon with a distance over 100km for trades. Essencially the opposite of “bon”.
the heart of this is the “bon..” (This is just a placeholder. You could also name it “xyz..”). This makes me able to opt in or out of keeping or transfering certain families. E.g. I kept Snovers to trade for XL candy last season until i could make myself a lvl 50 abomasnow for the mega evolution. Therefore I named a shiny snover “bon..” It wont show up because I excluded “bon..”. After I reached my goal, I just renamed my indication snover back to “snover” and started transfering them as usual again because they were not relevant to me anymore.
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